"LOVE OF WISDOM"......philosophy.
The department of Philosophy starts its journey in 2003 in West Goalpara College, Ambari. The department started with 3 numbers of faculty member headed by Shah Jalal Bhuyan, Joynal Abedin Sheikh and Mofiz Uddin Ahmed but unfortunately Joynal Abedin Sheikh died in a road mishap 9th June 2016. The department offered three years B.A. General Course along Honours Course under Gauhati University syllabi. The department also taught Logic & Philosophy in HS level for the interest of the student’s community. Since then the department is providing knowledge on Philosophical realities for a better understanding of society.
The main objective of the department is to give special emphasis on promoting philosophical studies and researches for shaping the thoughts of students in the direction of Philosophical Perspectives.
As well as the other departments the mission of the philosophy department is also to impart philosophical knowledge to the youth of the different communities surrounding the institution.